Resizable Tables

To resize column:

Final column sizes save in localStorage and set up after reloading.

Vessels' statistics

Vessel name IMO Ship owner Position Last Noon Status Type
Abby Paola 0294867 West Cost Inc 13-12 12:00 26.12.2016 Monitoring Cargo ship
Atlantic Hawk 9081726 East Cost Inc 25-00 12:00 24.12.2016 En-route Tanker

Browsers' statistics

Browser Sessions Percentage New Users Avg. Duration
Chrome 9,562 68.81% 7,895 01:07
Firefox 2,403 17.29% 2,046 00:59
Safari 1,089 2.63% 904 00:59
Internet Explorer 366 2.63% 333 01:01
Safari (in-app) 162 1.17% 112 00:58
Opera 103 0.74% 87 01:22
Edge 98 0.71% 69 01:18
Other 275 6.02% 90 N/A

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